#MediaWorld: Print, Broadcast, and New Media

Looking at the world now, a lot of things have truly changed, from the way we live, interact, communicate, live, coexist, and among many other things. Our world today is heavily influenced with all the technological advancements and breakthroughs that we have discovered through the years we’ve been living here. Together with this, the media that we have been utilizing to deliver and disperse all the valuable and important information that we have within us have been greatly altered as well. From conventional and traditional ways to what we have presently. Today, there are 3 main types of media that predominantly influence our societies, these include broadcasting media, print media, and the much more recent one which is the New Media or the Internet. All of these have seriously molded our communities into what we know as of today.

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  Starting with the broadcasting media, you may be familiar with this through the radios that you listen to your cars every single morning when going to school, or through the televisions that you use to watch your favorite shows. Broadcasting media refers to the distribution of audio or video content to a dispersed audience via any electronic mass communications medium, but typically one using the electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves), in a one-to-many model.

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Next up is the print media. Print media refers to the means of mass communication in the form of printed publications, such as newspapers and magazines. In today's society, print media isn't that prominent compared to how it was several years before. Because of the invention of the internet, the usage of physical reading materials, such as newspapers and magazines, have greatly dwindled down because the same information and data can now be accessed and digested much easier. We are now moving into an age wherein thing are produced and presented digitally.

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  Finally, we have the type of media that all of us are very familiar with, which is also known as the New Media or the Internet. Nowadays, I can’t even imagine a world without the use of the Internet and I’m pretty sure you too. I mean, you won’t be able to read this blog that I have created and  then decode the message within this text without the access and usage of the internet. The internet was a major game changer especially in the way people communicate and disseminate data and information with each other. Every single task that we do simply became much easier because of this amazing breakthrough.
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   All these types of media have shaped our world into greatness.  Every single one complements each other to produce outstanding results that we thought were impossible to be achieved. Let's be thankful that we are living in a generation that has made our lives way easier. The future is bright!


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