#EmpowermentTechnologies: A Brief History of Time

Looking back in time, we can confidently say that have truly come a long way from where we had begun. From the prehistoric times up until  the present world, wherein we are now being dominated and governed by all of these highly technological advancements and innovations who were made by mankind, the same species who started out from scratch by merely using simplistic and primitive tools and materials.

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Definitely, the development and evolution of humanity was not a smooth and linear process by any means. We had to go through different stages and levels, with each having its own distinct and unique features, just to reach where we are as of today. All of us definitely did not go through the same experiences and events that led us to this current point in time. Many of us came from different races and ethnic backgrounds that originated from specific places throughout this entire world. Our cultures and traditions aren't one, but instead, it is utterly diverse and was formed by various factors that occurred throughout many, many years, decades, and even centuries.

Now, many of the events and occurrences that happened in the past, specifically in the prehistoric times, aren't a hundred percent accurate. The information and data that we are currently reading in  countless books and other source materials aren't always precise and reliable. This is because in the prehistoric era, the practice of writing was still not a thing. Events that occurred during this time frame, were not written down and stored for us to physically see. This is why it is utterly difficult for archaeologists  to interpret exactly what had actually happened during those times in the past. Instead, in order for them to collect data and formulate possible theories regarding our origins, they would heavily rely on the numerous tools and materials that the people used from the prehistoric era. By doing this, they were able to come up with different theories and assumptions regarding the different events which led up to this day.

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Presently, even though we can truly say that we, humans, had already advanced, progressed, and developed so much, there are still groups out there that had not. Today, if you try to explore the various areas in this world, there is still a very good chance that you will encounter ethnic tribes who are still living in a primitive and prehistoric setting. This just shows how every culture in this world did not begin the same way. Others were able to push through and evolve very quickly, but, others had remained quite the same. Nonetheless, even though we might say that others seem unfortunate, all of us move in one single direction no matter how fast or slow that movement might even be. The paths that we take might be separate and distinct from one another, but we all evolve and develop the exact same way. 

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Truly, history is such a beautiful thing to discuss about because we can simply gain astounding and valuable knowledge about how we were able to mold  and shape this world into something unique and colorful. It gives us a great background and narrative about the countless people that had lived and events that took place in this world, which we, in turn, could deeply appreciate and admire until the end of time. I think another breathtaking thing about history is that it doesn't merely talk about one single story, but instead, it is all about the accumulation of many stories from different civilizations that are extremely and utterly unique from each other. 
