#FilipinoSaPilingLarangan: Sayawan Time!

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I could not believe that there will come a day wherein we had to do a choreography for a dance in our class in Media and Information Literacy. Nonetheless, we simply reciprocated and proceeded into planning and making our dance presentation. The song of choice that our teacher in MIL chose was entitled "Dati" by Sam Concepcion. For this project, the whole class was split into 4 different groups. Each team had to make their own dance interpretation based on the message of the song that was given.

Luckily, for this dance project, we were given the chance to practice for a total of 2 weeks. To be completely honest, it was very tiring and draining, but it was also fun at the same time, since we were able to bond and create unforgettable moments with our friends and classmates during the time of our practices.

The funny thing was the fact that our leader in the dance couldn't even think of any steps! To be quite frank, I got a bit annoyed and disappointed because he was supposed to be the one guiding us throughout the process. In the end, I decided to share a bit of steps and suggestions that I wanted to incorporate in our dance and also, we simply looked up some choreographs in the internet that we could sort of implement within our presentation. In the end, everything went pretty well!

Soon, the day of our presentation came. We prepared really well for this and we made sure that we were able to dance to the best of our very abilities and give all what we've got! And... we did! Thank God!
