#MediaWorld: Codes and Conventions

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I want you to do something for me... Go and think about a particular movie that you had watched before which used different kinds of symbols in order to give and deliver a specific meaning. Done? Good, now what do you think did these hidden symbols mean? Why do you think did the director of the film incorporate these kinds of symbols to their films? What are they trying to convey here?

Using symbolism in movies is a great tool and method to use in order to give more depth, color, and better direction to a certain film. These symbols contain and represent certain information and messages that all of us interpret in our own unique ways. A good example of symbolism used in shows is when a glass frame, containing a photograph of a person, falls to the ground and breaks, this denotes that the person might die later on as the story progresses.

Symbols are under what we call as, "codes". What are codes you might ask? Well, codes are a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols in order to represent something which give out information and messages. These codes can be seen and found literally everywhere. The world, especially today, is built by codes. These codes help give meaning to our lives and they provide us with valuable data and information that we use every single day.

In the topic of media, codes are systems of signs which create meaning and they can be divided into two categories namely, technical and symbolic.

Technical Codes
Refer to all the ways in which equipment is used to tell a story in a media text, for example, the camera work in a film.

Symbolic Codes 
On the other hand, symbolic codes show and reveal what is beneath the surface of what we see. For example, the way the character behaves and acts shows how the character is feeling in the film.

In the field of film making, these types of codes will help create an effective film that will contain all the essential elements in order to tell the story and the message properly to its audience and viewers.

Together with this is what we call as, "conventions." To define what it is, a convention is a way in which something is usually done or the generally accepted way of doing something. In the context of movie making, conventions are genre specific, meaning certain tactics are better for a particular genre. For example, certain strategies and techniques, such as using a livelier  movement and tone in the way the camera shoots a sequence in a film, are conventionally better to be used and implemented within comedic type of movies.

By knowing these certain techniques, there is no doubt that you will be able to create outstanding outputs related to media in a much better and easier way. Things like these will help you deliver and inform your audience the necessary information that you want them to understand.
