#OralCommunication: Gossips and Rumors

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Isn't it amazing how words just seem to travel and spread at the speed of light? The very moment you talk about something, before you know it, it has already reached the ears of a number of people. 

In nature, we humans are very social beings. We merely cannot deny the fact that we can't live by our own. We, human beings, love the feeling of being able to belong to something, particularly to a group or a society. We extremely enjoy the act of being able to communicate with other individuals, sharing our emotions, ideas, beliefs, and stories with one another. Yes, this communication and bonding between us are absolutely important and necessary, but, at times, things don't always go as planned and the things we speak of, can be misinterpreted to a great degree by some.

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Have you ever experienced a scenario wherein a friend of yours has told you about something regarding yourself. Something that contained false information that you didn't even know about you? How did you feel? How did others begin to look at you? Did you ever experience that feeling wherein millions of eyes were constantly staring, looking and judging you?

Misinterpretation of information and the creation of certain rumors can be extremely devastating and problematic. At times, it could even destroy and shatter a person deeply and crush his or her reputation and pride leaving a deep wound that could never seem to heal. Indeed, not all rumors are bad and negative, but, most of the time, they are, and they can utterly hurt. 

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I will agree that sometimes gossiping does feel fun and satisfying to do, but we have to know how to set our limits and boundaries especially when we are beginning to deal with sensitive and explicit information. We must acknowledge the fact that there will always be consequences in everything that we do. We must always remember how to be fully cautious of what we speak of because, the things that we say can contain and manifest so much power. Power that could incredibly affect us all. 
