#OralCommunication: Be Sure to Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out

Image result for quotes about words
Have you ever wondered and pondered upon how powerful and influential words could be to a person? How certain words that you utter could absolutely make a huge difference between making or breaking someone? Okay, before we dive even deeper, I want you to do something. Think about the last time you've said something to someone that has greatly affected them. A friend, a family member, whoever that may be, what do you think did they feel right after? Alright, how about this, what if I straight up said to you that you are a complete disgrace and disappointment on the face of the Earth and you will never EVER achieve great things in life because you are an absolute failure, how do you feel? Was it a pleasant experience? I'll leave that for you to decide. 

Nevertheless, it sucked, didn't it? Now, imagine someone actually saying that to you in the real world, face-to-face...

                             Image result for someone shouting to you

Even worse, ain't it? 

It's quite funny to think about how we have a saying that, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me", when in fact, they quite actually do! Words can truly be destructive, especially when used wrongly, but, at the same time, words can also be used as means to create and promote feelings of love, peace, and happiness to one another. 

Just this Sunday, during our class in Media and Information Literacy, our teacher, Sir Haren Canlas, made a quite interesting activity for us to do. Basically, we simply had to describe our classmates through the use of words and then write them down on small pieces of paper, such as sticky notes. Afterwards, we had to stick and hand out these papers to the people that we wanted to describe. 

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At first, everyone in the class was a bit hesitant and silent, but after a few moments, people began going around sticking their papers to each other. One stood up after another and then the next thing you know, everyone else was roaming around the room sticking their papers to each other. It was truly fun! Everyone was laughing and smiling throughout the whole time and we just absolutely enjoyed ourselves and had a blast during the activity. 

After some time, when everyone in the class had finally settled, it was time for some good quality sharing. Our teacher called some students in front, especially those who had received a ton of papers all containing words to which described them. Most of the words used by many were actually very positive and promoted feelings of love and encouragement. Some examples of the words used were, "Smart", "Beautiful", "Intelligent", "Responsible", "Multi-Talented", "Handsome", and many more along those lines. But, there were also some students who had received negative descriptions such as, "Fat", "Moody", "Cold", "Nerd", etc. 

Nonetheless, it was a unique and nice experience to have. I, myself, had received a lot of amazing words which truly made me feel great and amazing. Words that I wouldn't even think about EVER using to describe myself! The pictures on the right are the papers that I was able to receive during the activity. 

Truly, they utterly made my day! It was just really fun and interesting to read the number of things people had to say about me.

After the activity, we pretty much just reflected on what we did and we realized how much words can truly mean to someone. Words contain so much power and sometimes we fail to realize that! They could completely change a person into something we don't even expect! So, the next time you utter a word to someone, think first before you speak. You never know, that word could have made the difference between life and death. 
