Media Versus Information Literacy, Fight!

You might wonder and ask, are there any differences and similarities between media and information literacy? Before we dive straight right in today's topic, let us first define each of the following terms in order to know how they differ from one another. 

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Media literacy refers to the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in a variety of forms. It enables us to build a great understanding of the role of social media especially in today's society, as well as the essential skills of inquiry and self-expression.

On the other hand, information literacy is the ability to know when and why you need to acquire information or knowledge, where to find it, and how to evaluate it in an ethical manner. It is also defined as the ability to use this information to a create new one.

Now that we have given each one of their own definition, let's try to find their similarities and how they relate and complement one another.

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If you were able to read carefully the meaning of each term, you can actually see similar words on how they were being described. For example, you will see the word "ability" in both definitions. In short, they both require great knowledge, skills and abilities for them to be used in a proper, logical and sensible manner.

Another thing to remember is that both require each one in order to function correctly and with utter efficiency. Media requires information because without it, there will be no message to be relayed, addressed, or communicated to the people. Same goes with the other, information needs media, because without media, there would be no definite method or process for the information or message to be successfully dispersed.

Having good knowledge regarding these two will definitely give you a good edge and advantage on how to behave around your society. You will also be able to promote good ethics and moral codes, which will ultimately make you a better citizen and individual to the whole world.
